Hoot Reading Blog

Chatter That Matters Podcast - Small Business Series - Hoot Reading

Written by Hoot Reading | May 19, 2020

Our CEO and Co-Founder, Carly Shuler, was invited to be a guest on Tony Chapman’s Chatter That Matters podcast. Tony is a keynote speaker, conference host, moderator, and TV and radio personality. He is one of North America’s leading thought leaders on topics like consumerism, corporate culture, branding, retail and the impact of change.

His podcast, Chatter That Matters, cuts through the noise to take a closer look at what really matters and the insights and ideas to get you where you need to go. Carly’s particular episode is part of the Small Business Matters series, presented by RBC.   

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Podcast description and references are taken from the Chatter That Matters show notes. Click here to find more amazing Chatter That Matters episodes to listen to.


After a five-year stint with Sesame Streets Labs in New York, and getting her Masters in Education at Harvard, Carly Shuler returns to Canada. She creates Hootreading.com. Why? Carly knows that kids who love to read will spend a lifetime loving to learn. Hootreading.com matches students with real teachers, and with Carly’s proprietary technology and teaching methods, her business takes off. Her concern is that she might draw the attention of multinationals who will go after her market share with their deeper pockets. John Ruffolo, Founder, OMERS Ventures and Co-Founder, Council of Canadian Innovators, Lisa Kimmel, Chair & CEO, Canada & Latin America, Edelman and Eric Leblanc, VP, Knowledge Based Industries, at RBC step in to help.

Small Business Matters series, presented by RBC.

Links and References

Carly Shuler, CoFounder & CEO at Hoot Reading – https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlyshuler/
Website – https://www.hootreading.com
Facebook – @hootreading
Twitter – https://twitter.com/hootreading
Instagram: @hellohootreading @raisingandreading

Lisa Kimmel, Chair & CEO, Canada & Latin America – Edelman – https://www.linkedin.com/in/lkimmel/

John Ruffolo, Founder, OMERS Ventures and Co-Founder – Council of Canadian Innovators

Eric Leblanc, VP, Knowledge Based Industries, RBC
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-leblanc-758a332/

RBC Business page – https://www.rbcroyalbank.com/business/index.html
RBC COVID-19 Financial Relief page – https://www.rbc.com/covid-19/business.html
Future Launch – https://www.rbc.com/dms/enterprise/futurelaunch/index.html

Follow Tony Chapman

Website – https://tonychapmanreactions.com
Twitter – https://twitter.com/TonyChapman
Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonychapmanreactions/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/chatterthatmatters/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Chatter-that-Matters-111890333544575M