ESSER Funding

Capitalize on ESSER Funds Before They Expire

Discover impactful ways to invest in remote learning, school safety, and literacy programs while strategically allocating your remaining ESSER dollars to enhance education and support student success before the September 30, 2024, deadline.

Believe it or not, the deadline for spending ESSER funds is fast approaching. From enhancing remote learning to improving school safety, these funds have played a crucial role in keeping education on track during unprecedented times. But, like all good things, it must end eventually. Thankfully, there is still a bit of time left to maximize available funding before the clock runs out this fall.

ESSER, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief was a significant financial support from the federal government to help schools weather the storm during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. There have been three rounds of this funding (ESSER I, II, and III), each bringing in a hefty sum to support schools, totaling nearly $200 billion.

  • ESSER I: A ~$13 billion starter pack—got the ball rolling for immediate relief to schools in March 2020.
  • ESSER II: Launched in December 2020, ~$54 billion was supplied because there was a greater need to address learning loss and other issues.
  • ESSER III: The final sum of ~$122 billion, issued in March 2021, focuses on learning loss and school safety. At least 20% of these funds are to address learning loss through evidence-based interventions.

Unfortunately, any unspent ESSER funds will vanish, reverting to the federal government. Many schools across the country still have a significant amount left to spend before the September 30, 2024 deadline. A report from January identified that states have between 20% to 70% of statewide ESSER III funds remaining, with over 450 districts having spent less than 10% of their ESSER III funds.

No need to panic if you have any remaining funds—here’s how to make the most impact with your ESSER dollars:

  1. Assessment and Planning: Assess your school's needs and gather feedback from teachers, students, and parents. What will have the most impact?
  2. Popular Investments: Tech upgrades, tutoring programs, and mental health services are tried-and-true ways to make a significant impact. Think about what will benefit your students the most.
  3. Innovative Solutions: Don’t be afraid to think outside the box! Professional development for teachers? Expand extracurricular programs? Anything that enriches the school experience can qualify.

Smart spending makes a world of difference for students, staff, and administrators' success. Remember that you have until September 30, 2024, to commit these remaining ESSER funds, but you have another four months afterward to spend those allocated dollars.

The pandemic significantly impacted reading and literacy scores, and although efforts have been made to alleviate this learning loss, there is still much to be done. With ESSER funding, literacy resources can be invested to bridge this gap and support the 66% of children reading below proficiency.

Hoot Reading seamlessly integrates into existing instruction, addressing learning loss and aligning with the goals of ESSER funding. We provide 1:1 evidence-based literacy instruction online with qualified teachers. By leveraging innovative technology and assessment-informed instruction, Hoot Reading provides students with the tools they need to succeed in their literacy journey.

As the deadline approaches, assess your needs, plan strategically, and make those dollars count. Resources like Hoot Reading can fit easily into your plans and meet ESSER funding criteria while impacting your district the most. 

Click here to start capitalizing on your ESSER funding to create brighter, better educational experiences for students.

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